3/4" (20mm) 316 Stainless Ripple Tube Hose Connector With Flat Faced Union Ends
3/4" (20mm) 316 Stainless Ripple Tube Hose Connector With Flat Faced Union Ends
23/4" (20mm) 316 Stainless ripple tube hose connector with flat faced union ends
Product Features - All pricing exclusive of GST
- Stainless steel corrugated stainless steel construction.
- Saves time and money with ease of installation.
- More flexible than braided type connectors.
- Will not crimp or kink.
- No rubber or plastic internals to reduce flow.
- No deformity in curvature and will hold bend.
- Will not discolor, corrode or rust.
- Maximum recommended working pressure of 16bar
- Specially formulated EPDM seals 85°c and intermittent temperature spikes of 100°c
- Suitable for residential and commercial potable water applications.
- Watermark approved.
Disclaimer Conditions of use must be adhered to:
- These hoses are designed for commercial and industrial use only (non-general consumer)
- Specially formulated EPDM seals 85°c and intermittent temperature spikes of 100°c
- Connectors shall not be bent with a tighter radius than 77mm for all sizes.
- Matching stainless or brass flat face thread adaptor shall be used with a sealing face matching the width of the gasket.
- Must only be installed by qualified plumber, or experienced pipefitter.
- Connectors are designed to be formed/bent at installation (singular forming) and minor spasmodic adjustments to allow for disconnection of connected fittings/fixtures. (repetitive rebending is not permitted, thin can lead to work hardening fatigue of the Stainless)
- Connectors shall not be used for excessive vibration/movement
Length | 450mm or 600mm or 900mm |